Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are We Free ??

Almost 63 years have passed, since we got the independence from the Britishers, but still I was just wondering are we actually free. Though the slavery which we have now is not physical as it was earlier but its more severe than ever it was, here a mind is captured. Many of you might be wondering what I'm writing and why it is significant now. But believe me it does matters and we really really need to do something for this.

Even in today's age we are not free to express our thoughts that freely, although to say we live in a democratic country. For this we have a recent example of Ruchika. Even after 19 years the accused is not punished. There are so many so called social groups in our country who think themselves as responsible for keeping intact India's morality. On every other fortnight there is a news that either these disrespect women or try invading in someone else's privacy and still talking about morality. I guess they should keep a check on their moral quotient first rather than going for others.

If I want I can go on pointing the flaws in our country or our people but the point which I want to make here is what am I doing against them, or what are we doing against them.

Nothing! Simply Nothing!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Some times I often contemplate the complexities of human behavior, of course keeping myself in the frame of reference and focusing over this one word EXPECTATION. This word helps me to move ahead in ;ife by expecting things from myself, yet a times when I expect too much the same word can cause a lot of pain and desolation. I always make a promise to myself that I won't expect too much from people close too me but always end up confused about the limits. Though it looks quite simple and people close to me often suggests me not to expect anything from others but then is life any worth if others don't expect from you and you don't expect from others. Certainly No! This process of expecting and then fulfilling someone's expectation makes life interesting, worth living....................